All the rooms have been recently totally renewaled, using high level quality materials and extreme care for details.
Solide wood furniture is entirely hand made and branded Le Fablier, one of the most famous and appreciated italian wooden furniture company, which has surely contributed to make our rooms become intimate and never trivial.
"Great personnel: we arrived on rainy day with red meteo alert, but we felt the warmth of all the staff. Welcoming and helpful - always with a nice smile on the face. Hotel is very clean and rooms are spacious with a very nice view over the gulf..."Mauro B - TripAdvisor
La LUDWIG sas, in forza degli investimenti effettuati per la sanificazione e la prevenzione del diffondersi dell’epidemia di Covid-19, ha ricevuto un contributo di Euro 1.907,89 (P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – ASSE 3 "Competitività delle imprese", Azione 3.1.1 "Aiuti per investimenti
in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale". Covid19 – Adeguamento processi produttivi delle PMI)